Courses, Events & Retreats
See Calendar for Specific Dates & Locations
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Fluid Presence™ Foundation 50-Hour WABA Certification Course. Course Tuition $950 Prerequisites: None. Excellent course for beginners and those new to Warm-Water Therapy |
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Presence of Being™ 50-Hour WABA Certification Course. Course Tuition $950 Prerequisites: Fluid Presence™ Foundation, Watsu®, WaterDance™, Aquatic Integration, Healing Dance, WaterBreath Way Weekend, Mentoring or Instructor permission. Presence of Being™ Intake Form is required. |
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Fluid Presence™ 1 50-Hour WABA Certification Course. Course Tuition $950 Prerequisites: Presence of Being™ & Fluid Presence™ Foundation or equivalent such as WaterDance™ Fundamentals, WaterDance™ 1, Healing Dance or Instructor permission. |
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Fluid Presence™ 2 50-Hour WABA Certification Course. Course Tuition $950 Prerequisites: Fluid Presence™ 1, Demonstration of Proficiency” session & Provider Training Application |
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Fluid Presence™ 3 50-Hour WABA Certification Course. Course Tuition $950 Prerequisites: Successful completion of Fluid Presence™ 2 |
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WaterDance Fundamentals 50-Hour WABA Certification Course. Course Tuition $950 Prerequisites: None |
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WaterDance 1 50-Hour WABA Certification Course. Course Tuition $950 Prerequisites: WaterDance Fundamentals, Fluid Presence Foundation, Watsu® 1, Aquatic Integrations, Healing Dance or Instructor Permission. |
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WaterDance 2 50-Hour WABA Certification Course. Course Tuition $950 Prerequisites: WaterDance 1 |
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WaterDance 3: Free Flow 50-Hour WABA Certification Course. Course Tuition $950 Prerequisites: Successful completion of WaterDance 2 |
The Alchemy of Conscious Touch
$465 ($400 if registered at least 2 months prior to class) 3-Day Course 10:00 a.m. – 5:30 p.m.
This course is highly recommended for all Fluid Presence™ students. This intro course is designed for practitioners in the healing arts and also simply for people who want to evolve and experience transformational cutting edge Biodynamic Craniosacral practices.
(Water & Land unless otherwise stated)
WaterBreath Way Weekend
$350 2-Day Event 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
This is an experiential exploration for anyone curious to explore the magical quality of the warm water environment. We will explore the Water-Breath way of harmonious, fluid, connected movement and how that translates into a way of Being. Participants will begin to “learn the water” and the power of being held with supportive presence by another.
The Grace of Presence
$350 2-Day Event 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Join Richard Bock and Shantam for a weekend of wonder exploring the magic of the warm water environment to heighten our senses and connection to our native rhythms. We will consciously sense into how True Contact arises out of Pure Presence while beginning to “learn the water.” This course is a wonderful way to “dip one’s toe” into the warm-water therapy world.
Fluid Presence™ Experience
$50 2-Hour Event
A group guided Meditation from stillness to movement exploring the water as a clear mirror. Water is imbued with an all-embracing Silence, which can offer us a bridge to remembering that indeed, this is our “home note.” The silky embrace of the warm water soothingly welcomes our bodies into deep relaxation and oneness with the Ever-Presence inside. Conscious investigation in the warm water entices us into a slow, sensory spaciousness of “here and now.” There is time given afterwards to integrate and share.
Fluidity in Motion
$350 2-Day Event 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Awaken Authentic Spontaneity.
Fluidity in Motion is a time for exploring the symbiotic relationship of stillness to movement and the ordinary to the extraordinary. We will attend to the territory of our unique inner world nurturing it in a way that allows it to gently give birth to movement and creative expression. Through the power of guided meditations on land and in the water, relaxation, movement, vocalization and simple theater games, we will share the experience of being human in playful, fun, surprising and unexpected ways. As we share the realm of our own architecture and individual essence, we discover that unites us to the collective spirit.
Davida & Shantam bring together many years of expertise in the fields of somatic arts, meditation, Hypnotherapy, Aquatic Bodywork, various Healing Arts, theater, movement and dance. Their commitment, dedication and love for teaching offers a supportive, encouraging, gentle and often humorous environment to give students an opportunity to experience a deeper sense appreciation for themselves, wonder, curiosity, ease and joy.
Being AS Body™ Somatic Satsang
Suggested Donation $15 90-Minute Guided Meditation on Land
Quantum Light Breath
Suggested Donation $15 90-Minute Guided Breath Meditation on Land
Fidelity to the Mystery
By Donation 90-Minutes
Full Circle Sangha gathering in devotion to True Nature
Beyond the Surface
By Donation 90-Minutes
Full Circle Sangha gathering in devotion to resting into the depths.
Satellites of the Sacred
By Donation 90-Minutes
Full Circle Sangha gathering in devoted recognition that each ONE of us is a “satellite” of the Divine.
Being As We Are: Silent Meditation
By Donation 40-Minute Sit
Full Circle Sangha gathering in devotion to Silence.
(Water & Land unless stated)
Fluid Depths Retreat
$530 Catered (early bird discount of $500 if registered within two months prior to the retreat.)
Friday 10:00 a.m. through Sunday 4:00 p.m.
Come Be Reborn of Water and Spirit with Shantam and Ajaya. Reclaim and empower a deeper recognition of your inherent wholeness * Resource from the Wellspring of health that is already alive within you
Dive in and discover a deeper intimacy with what you are, who you are and what it is to be alive. Experience directly that like the planet, we are primarily water and it is our nature to fluidly move through life. In this retreat, utilizing breath, sound, subtle movement and meditation, we will slow down and allow a return to our natural rhythms. Through embodiment practices on land and in warm water, we will cultivate an environment of loving awareness, which we will extend as prayer through the waters and the heartbeat of the planet. With the water itself as our teacher, we will explore the full continuum from stillness and deep listening into an ever unfolding, inspired journey of Self-referenced expression in the world. The more that we reclaim and fluidly embody our true nature, the more that we can experience the body itself as a resonating chamber of intelligence that is one with all of existence.
Aqua Sangha™ Retreat
$350 2-Day Event 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
“Sangha usually refers to a spiritual community that has to do with a particular tradition or religion…to me, real Sangha is whatever is in service to the silence of the heart—wherever it shows up.” ~ Adyashanti
The Aqua Sangha™ weekend gathering is open to all who resonate with the water element as a spiritual path. There will be time for silence and contemplation as well as space to be deeply nourished by our shared field of devotion to living Presence.
Diving into the Self Retreat
$350 2-Day Event 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Join Shantam for a weekend retreat of deepening into the direct experience of what is already Awake & Aware inside. Resting into Ever-Presence, awareness itself illuminates subtle perceptions, energetics, dynamics and beliefs which may hinder us from consciously living our lives fully and with an open heart.
To nourish our relationship to the “interface” between that which is still and ever-present with that which is in motion and ever-changing, there will be guided meditations & inquiry on land and in warm water, silent sitting and possibly partner exercises. We will go into Silence after dinner on Saturday night until after breakfast on Sunday.
Stillness in Motion – A 5Rhythms® Retreat for Women
$350 2-Day Event 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Join Davida Taurek, world renowned 5Rhythms® teacher for a weekend of exploring the symbiotic relationship of stillness to movement. Drawing upon the innate wisdom of our bodies and traversing the stillness map of the 5Rhythms®, we will empty our mind, find our feet, and slow-dance into the inner landscapes of our being. Together, as we take refuge in the sanctuary of our own skin, we will discover how time for stillness allows a natural and gentle unfolding into movement and creative expression.
So leave those cell phones and computers behind, and revel in the mysterious unfolding of your unique and beautiful presence.
For more information & to register, contact Davida at