Offering of Yourself
There is effulgence in our hearts and an overflow of gratitude when we come to rest in our True Nature. For those of you who feel so drawn, here are a few ways in which to “offer of yourself” of “water & spirit” and let gratefulness flow towards others.
Non-Profit Organization Donations
Adyashanti: Open Gate Sangha supports the teachings of Adyashanti by making them available to all who sincerely yearn for peace and freedom.
WAVE Academy is dedicated to expanding the role of warm water therapy as a powerful tool in the healing and advancement of individuals, communities and the human condition.
OneDrop Using a one-of-a-kind sustainable intervention model, ONE DROP develops innovative water access and management projects which promote self-reliance in disadvantaged, rural and semi-rural regions of Latin America, West Africa and Asia. Since its inception, ONE DROP has transformed the lives of more than 300,000 human beings. By 2017, we expect we will have provided access to safe water to 1 million people worldwide.
Water For more than two decades, has pioneered innovative, community-driven, market-based solutions that help people gain access to safe water and sanitation.
Non-Tax Deductible Donations
Donate your time to support Full Circle Sangha gatherings, Events, Courses & Retreats with Shantam
Donations to a scholarship fund to make Spiritual Teaching, Courses, Events & Retreats available for those in financial difficulties
Donations to support the teachings of Shantam & Full Circle Sangha
Donations to support paying off the expense of building the Water Temple at PremShala