Spiritual Mentoring

“Spiritual Awakening is a doorway that makes
something else possible” ~ Adya

Holding white flower
In the absolute sense, we are abiding perpetually and eternally AS an indescribable; Awake, still, ever-present, unified consciousness. Yet in the relative sense, we simultaneously appear to be experiencing a very palpable, sensory experience of existing as seemingly separate individuals expressing altogether unique lives.

Quan YinFluid Presence™ Spiritual Mentoring supports reconciliation of these apparent opposites. Understanding the all-encompassing, paradoxical nature of existence is truly beyond comprehension. Yet, when we soften and rest in our hearts, we sense something else. We feel the unfathomable Mystery summoning us to live this miraculous existence as a flow of sentience.


In 2001, I followed an inexplicable magnetic force, which drew me to encounter the man who would become my ultimate, spiritual teacher, Adyashanti. Over the years, I’d had many spiritual teachers and mystical experiences and at some point, I had very consciously decided to look only to my heart and life itself for guidance. So, the immediate recognition I experienced upon meeting Adya caught me completely off guard. An effervescent knowing bubbled up deep inside that proclaimed, “Here is your teacher.”

Since I hadn’t been looking for a teacher, I didn’t understand what that meant with my mind yet I knew in every cell of my being that it was true. Within weeks of that date with destiny, I met with Adya in person and soon after, attended my first 10-day silent retreat. It was a most profound introduction to resting in the fullness of silence and the beginning of an ongoing love affair with Truth & Awakening. Adya asked me to begin teaching in 2002 and I am honored to carry forward the priceless gift that he gave me, which I describe as, “walking me to my own door.”

ShantamI was fortunate enough to meet Adya at a time when the Sangha was much smaller and retreats had no more than 40-50 participants. I was able to meet personally* with Adya 2-3 times per retreat as well as by appointment. With the rapid spread of Adya’s teachings and immense growth of the Sangha, this is no longer possible so Adya refers people to a spiritual “support team” of sorts for this kind of personal attention. It is in this spirit of giving back some of what I was so fortunate to have received, that I offer the first 15-minute consultation of Spiritual Mentoring without charge.

Over the years, it has become evident that often those who feel drawn to explore what is arising on their spiritual journey with me have already experienced very deep Self-Realization. I find that more often than not, they are learning to navigate life from a new perspective, which can be confusing to the egoic mind. This that is Awake, blazes its light so brightly and at times so glaringly through the once-identified perspective of the self-image that things can feel a bit shaky at times. Sometimes, amidst some fairly intense manifestations of seeing all the way through the ways in which we have been identified, it can be very easy to forget that this a natural function of “Love coming back for itself.” For me personally, this was an area in which Adya was of supreme support and guidance. Without realizing it, I had become quite addicted to the “I’ve lost it and now I’ve got to find it” dance! Seeing through that dynamic to the truth of what is always present, does not come or go and cannot be lost or found was truly the starting point of real liberation. Having journeyed this so distinctly myself, it is a great honor to support others with embodied Realization.

I offer Spiritual Mentoring to those who are genuinely and humbly drawn to the path of Truth and Self-Realization. If you’re seeking guidance, I encourage you to take time to rest in Silence with a soft inner disposition of openness relinquishing all grasping. If a question still remains, it can be very powerful to keep distilling that inquiry down to its essence. This, generally, in and of itself, brings forth more clarity. From there, the “teacher” is often simply a supportive Presence affirming what we already know inside and 15 minutes can be more than sufficient. If greater clarity and further guidance is desirable, I am available to meet by phone, Skype, email or in person at the rate of $45 per 30 minutes. 

*Dokusan refers to a “private meeting with the teacher” and comes from the Zen tradition

Fluid Presence™  refers to the simultaneity of that which is always Present, Awake, Aware AND moving FLUIDLY as Life itself.

“You’re a wonderful and truly amazing spiritual guide. I received the most profound insights, experiences, and moments of agape’ as your student. I am filled with gratitude for the gifts you bring to your work. You have changed my life in the most positive way possible.” ~ Chris Crews

White Tara